Support Our Mission


Our ever-changing secularized world demands well-formed lay Catholic women who can find creative and effective ways to evangelize and witness to God’s love. As lay consecrated women, we accept this challenge. We form Christian leaders so that Christ may reign in every heart and transform the world with His love.

We depend on the support of our families, friends and benefactors to help cover the costs of our evangelization work. All gifts, no matter the size, make an impact beyond mere dollars and cents. Regardless of the amount, by giving, you express your care for the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi and participate effectively in the Church’s evangelizing mission. Please also consider praying for us daily for our vocation and for all those who God calls to our spiritual family.

Be a part of our mission.



To contact us with questions about donations, please email our Director of Development, Lauren Hawkesworth at