
Preparing for Final Vows

April 29-May 9, the Regnum Christi Consecrated Women in the North American Territory, who will be making their final vows in the next 1-2 years gathered in Oxford, MI for prayer, formation, and reflection. The course was organized by Kathleen Murphy, assisted by Lauren Hawkesworth.

The course began with a 3 day retreat, preached by Lauren Hawkesworth and Fr. Robert Presutti. The following days were followed by classes given by different presenters: the Vows in General (Nancy Norhden), Obedience (Nancy Nohrden), Charism and Mission (Mary Smith), Chastity (Kathleen Murphy), and Poverty (Michelle Reiff).

In addition to the time of personal prayer and reflection about the content, there was time for daily dialogue with their directors for more personalized formation and application of the content. The atmosphere was characterized by joy and enthusiasm, and all experienced the prayer and support of all the people praying and sacrificing for the fruits of this course.

Rachel Peach: “This course has been an experience of God’s goodness and faithfulness. His promise to make my heart firm and establish his kingdom there is real, and I am so thankful for the closeness and dedication of our directors in accompanying us in this stage of our vocational journey.”

Jacquie Lustig: “One thing that was so apparent to me, and deeply touching, was the accompaniment and support of the directors on the course. I felt that their presence, and the time and closeness they offered, was an experience of seeing the charism ‘in the flesh’. I am so grateful for the experience, advice, and love offered so freely…and for the time to be able to bring my life before God in the Eucharist. Jesus used this as a real moment of strengthening in my vocation. God is faithful!”

Sarah Pacini: “For me it was a renewing experience to step away from the business of everyday life and take a look at all the beauty God has been doing in my life up until now and seeing how he’s been leading me in a particular way these past few years. And, it was a huge blessing to be with my sisters and see how God is working in each of them. He is very present and doing amazing things within our hearts right now!”

Jennifer Malneritch: “It gave a greater clarity, deeper understanding, and direction in my journey toward union with God. Most especially, it gave me strength for the journey and a sense of communion and support.”

Mary Schwarz: “I felt blessed to be present in this course because the content was so refreshing and renewing in my own vocation, It was a joy to share the times of prayer and discussion about our vows, charism and mission with my younger sisters in consecrated life. You could feel the Holy Spirit very active in the whole group, giving actual graces to each one.”

The following are the consecrated women in the North American Territory preparing for final vows. They have been consecrated 4-7 years and are between 22-30 years old. They have completed their period of academic studies and are now in the period full-time internship in localities around the territory:

Nicolette Chmiel (Cincinnati)
Jacquie Lustig (Cincinnati)
Kate Bozsik (Cincinnati)
Sarah Pacini (Chicago)
Amelia Hoover (Washington DC)
Jennifer Malneritch (Atlanta)
Becca Olek (Dallas)
Rachel Peach (Houston)
Claire Umali (Manila, Philippines)

Intern Course

Back row (L-R):, Nicolette Chmiel, Claire Umali, Lauren Hawkesworth, Sarah Pacini, Amelia Hoover, Jacquie Lustig, Becca Olek, Mary Smith
Front row (L-R): Mary Schwartz, Nancy Nohrden, Jennifer Malneritch, Kathleen Murphy, Kate Bozsik, Rachel Peach, Maritza Silva

A special thanks to Nancy Norhden, Kathleen Murphy, Lauren Hawkesworth, and all the directors participating in this course.