Our Spirituality

The Experience of Christ’s Love: the Foundation of Our Life

The experience of Christ’s personal, real, passionate, and faithful love is the foundation of our life. Our spousal relationship with Christ is what drives our deepening union with God, relationships with others, and dedication to our mission.

We encounter God as someone real in our lives. We especially allow ourselves to be transformed by him in prayer, at the foot of the cross, and in the Eucharist. We discover him in others and in the circumstances of life, receiving his strength to accompany people in their own faith journey.

The Heart of Christ Our King

We gaze upon the heart of Christ our King who came to establish his Kingdom and reveal his merciful love. We allow his love to penetrate us so that we may live with his sentiments and participate in his work of redemption as spiritual mothers. And so we say with Saint Paul, “The love of Christ impels us!”

Mary, Our Mother

Mary is our mother, friend, and companion on our journey toward union with God. Her docility and collaboration with the Holy Spirit allowed her to receive and be configured by the gaze of God. Thus, she is our model of chastity, spousal love, and spiritual motherhood. She shows us how to welcome God’s action within us, promote communion and be transformed into Christ.

Loves of Regnum Christi

The loves of the Regnum Christi Movement also express our spirituality: love for Christ, love for Mary, love for people, love for the Church and the pope, and love for our vocation.

*To go more in depth into our spirituality click here