Our Mission

Constantly in the state of mission: the love of Christ impels us

Our mission is to spread the Kingdom of Christ in the heart of every person and society and to be at the service of others and of the Church. Bringing people to experience Christ’s love, we offer them formation and accompany them as they go out to build the Kingdom of Christ, awakening the individual and the family to their mission in the life and in the Church. We live out this mission through prayer, offering our life, and through action.

This includes fostering Christian and apostolic formation, building communion and collaboration within the Regnum Christi family, and offering the “feminine genius” in the life of the Church.

Our Apostolate

Our apostolate is evangelization, bringing people to a personal encounter with the Lord so that they may know and respond to Him by their lives.Areas of evangelization we contribute to according to our charism are: catechesis, education, pastoral work with children, youth, and families, evangelizing culture, and works of Christian charity.

In our ministry, we follow Christ’s example of reaching out to everyone in the concrete circumstances of their life primarily by offering personal accompaniment in a person’s search for holiness and formation as apostles and leaders.

Within the Church

A charism is a gift from God for the renewal and building up of the Church. By living our charism, we live our mission within the heart of Christ and for His Church. We love, pray for, and adhere to the Holy Father’s teachings, and collaborate with local pastors and bishops.  

*To go more in depth into our mission click here

Mission Work


Pastoral Work
