Our Lay Consecration

Our lay consecration is a response to the real and current needs of the Church and society. We seek to engage the secular world and awaken individuals and families to their God-given purpose and mission in life and in the Church. We form and accompany apostles to go out and impact society with Gospel values. 

Our consecration to God permeates all that we are and all that we do. Impelled by Christ’s personal love for us, we respond with our exclusive and total dedication to him, to help others to experience him as someone real in their lives. By welcoming and accepting each person so they discover their dignity, beauty, and value, we want to reflect Christ’s merciful and humanizing gaze. With Mary as our Mother and model, we seek to live out the vocation of love and true womanhood through the gift of our femininity.

We live the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience.

We respond to Christ’s call with love by living the private vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.  We are consecrated totally and exclusively to God, following Christ who, chaste and poor, redeemed and sanctified men through his obedience even unto death on the cross (cf. Perfectae Caritatis).

By living our vow of chastity, we consecrate ourselves to the supreme love of Christ, our spouse, with an undivided heart and a life of celibacy for the Kingdom.

By living our vow of poverty, we seek God as our only treasure, leading a life of moderation, and detachment from earthly goods.

By living our vow of obedience, we follow the example of Jesus Christ whose obedience to his Father was full of confidence and love, and we strive to serve with joy, promptness, and initiative both in community life and in the mission.

We also make two specific promises which reflect our unique charism:

 ·       Firstly, we promise to live the mission of extending Christ’s Kingdom with a spirit of service, humility and availability.

·       Secondly, we promise to practice a spirit of communion in the Regnum Christi Movement and in the Church, bearing witness to charity in word and in deed with those who live and work at our side.