
Meet the Renewal Delegates 14: Eileen Wieck: Washington/Oregon

EileenMy name is Eileen Wieck. I am the delegate for Washington/Oregon. I live just outside of Seattle.

I met RC in Edmonton, Canada through road teams when I was 17. I served as section assistant throughout my 20’s. The Consecrated women and Legionaries always treated me as though they believed in me despite my inexperience and youth. I had never heard that voice of confidence before and I struggled to believe it.

Mum always said, “Don’t worry about finding the right husband. If you stick with those Consecrated girls, God will provide.” The Consecrated introduced me to my future husband, Vincent who had discerned with the Legion before finding that his vocation was to married life.

We moved to San Jose, California, where I helped the section on and off as an assistant and spiritual director. There many consolations I had received prior to our move were gone. This was a painful blessing for me.

With consolations gone I began to rely on God’s voice, placing my security in Him. I believed that I needed to serve and not worry about any approvals but His alone. Then I witnessed our team grow in deep friendship where we were all servants, none above the other. After a decade of pain, the desolation lifted and I received such joy. Then it was time to come off the mountain and we made a painful decision to move, as California seemed unaffordable.

My kids and I moved to Boise, Idaho for 8 months waiting for my husband to join us but when a job finally opened, it wasn’t in Boise… it was in Seattle. So we all moved there.

I have been working as the Regnum Christi local director for Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Vincent and I have 5 amazing children ranging in age 2 to 12. Each child has special needs, autism and a myriad of complications that are common among siblings with autism.

The Movement and autism have taught me harmony and balance. We don’t need busier moms, we need holier moms. If I put my prayer life and my family’s needs above everything, this is the gift I can give that bears fruit and aids me when I am working in apostolate.

I grew up in a large extended family and always envisioned that, like my Grandma, I would have a large home with people always at my table. I was searching for communion and union.

With the Movement my table is very much like my Grandmothers.   Often at this table the men are late for dinner (sorry, Fathers!) and the women are driving the truck out to the field where the workers are waiting for food. The food is a fruit of toil, sometimes a famine, sometimes a feast. No matter how far the field is from the table we are never alone, we are all working together, engaged in the mission that unites us and feeds the whole family.

The lay, Consecrated and Legionaries, like a see-through prism with God at its base, each reflect their own beautiful interactions with Him while light is transmitted to all, never alone, always connected.