
Meet the Renewal Delegates 12: Cindy Casper- Michigan, Northern Indiana, and Toledo OH Women

Cindy CasperMy name is Cindy Casper.   My husband, Bryan and I live in the small town of Argos, Indiana, which is about 30 miles south of Notre Dame.   We have been married for 33 years and have three grown children.   I have been in the movement since Christ the King of 1998.   I was drawn to the movement in a time in my life when I was searching for true Catholic formation for our family, especially for our three children.   I can still remember sitting many times in front of the Blessed Sacrament talking with Our Lord, “I can’t protect them from the evils in this world, please provide a means to help me educate and develop their faith is such a way that they will know the love you have for them, to know true teachings of the church and so that these teaching remain with them throughout their lives.”

I met the movement in 1997 and then the retreat experiences began for all of our family.   As graces and time unfolded, our daughter Heather attended Immaculate Conception Academy and then became a Consecrated member of Regnum Christi.   Our boys attend Immaculate Conception Apostolic School and a time in the Legion.   I hold a deep gratitude in my heart to God for bringing my family to this beautiful movement.   Every aspect of our family has been impacted by the graces God has bestowed on our family through the many Legionary priests, Consecrated women and my sisters and brothers of Regnum Christi.   The reflection of Christ that I have experience through the many encounters with priests, consecrated and members of the movement, have compelled me to love Christ more.

The many retreats, conventions and miles traveled to receive and give what Christ has given me through the movement are deep treasures in my heart.   With the theme of the renewal being the “The Love of Christ compels us”, I can honestly say, that is what I have experience and has kept me in the movement.   The love of Christ that I have experience through every Legionary, Consecrated and every Regnum Christi member, by the way they lived their lives and expressed their love for Christ, has compelled me to keep drawing closer to Our Lord.

This journey of renewal, for me has not been one to focus on the negatives of the past, but one of gratitude for what God has given all of us in Regnum Christi and for the hope of what God is going to bestow upon our RC family in the future.   As an elected delegate, I ask for your prayers.   I was very hesitant to check that box to be a delegate.   However, I knew God was asking me to be open to whatever he asks.   I am honored to represent our territory and I ask for your prayers for myself and for all the delegates so that we will respond with open hearts to God, with love and courage to all the Holy Spirit is asking us during this time of renewal.