
Meet the Renewal Delegates 10: Ramon Floro – Phillippines

RamonMy name is Ramon D. Floro and I am a second degree, first level member of Regnum Christi. I belong to the Men’s Section of the Makati team, Manila, Philippines. My wife Jean is also an RC member – second degree, first level. We both incorporated 7 years ago. We are blessed with two children, Cathy and Matthew.

We both were introduced to the RC Movement by our daughter Cathy, a Consecrated with the Regnum Christi.

I was born and grew up in Manila until 20 years of age when I joined the US Navy at the US Naval Station in Subic, Northern Philippines. Retiring as a Lieutenant Commander after 21 years, I obtained a second career as a teacher at Clovis Unified School District and decided to retire early to help the RC movement in the Philippines.

The EWC’s, Study circles, Recollections, Retreats has helped me to nurture my personal formation. Helping and assisting the LC Fathers in Conquest, Family Missions, Outreaches, Medical Missions, all have been rewarding and continue to help me in my spiritual growth.

All these led me to facilitate Bible Timeline Seminars by Jeff Cavins (Quick Journey Through the Bible). The RC Makati team has supported the spreading of the Good News (New Evangelization) by helping in facilitating QJTB classes to RC members and non-members alike. These Bible seminars have helped form others and also helped in the creation of other Bible teams in Metro Manila; Fresno, CA; Portland, OR; and San Diego, CA.

The Regnum Christi way of life transformed me and made a huge impact on my spiritual life. I would say that on a scale of 1 to 10, my spirituality was a meager 1, yes a number 1, before Regnum Christi. And it has been progressing ever since with the help of the Holy Spirit.

I had joined other organizations/movements in the past, such as Cursillo in Christianity and Knights of Columbus. My daughter’s introduction of Regnum Christi was the reason a “conversion” took place and still continues to take place in my life. For me, the Charism of Regnum Christi really transformed my spiritual life.