
Meet the Delegates 5 Marisol Aguilera – Houston Women


MarisolI am a second degree, first level member of RC, and currently part of the Women’s Section in Houston, Texas. My husband Eduardo and I have been active within this section since 2001 when it was in foundation.

I am humbled at the many ways in which God incessantly chooses to love us, and the means placed at our disposal, in order to grow in sanctity. The Movement has been one of those specific means, and I have learned invaluable lessons, since my incorporation in the fall of 2002.

It was at the turn of the millennium that I first learned about Regnum Christi from my now husband; Eduardo, who shared about his own testimony within the same; during our first date at a coffee shop.

My heart and soul loved many aspects of the spirituality he described, and the Holy Spirit worked in lovely ways to lead me on a journey that even included discernment for the Consecrated life in 2005 (year of the Eucharist).

The Movement became a school of silence; where one learns to contemplate in great depth; as well as the school of love (maybe more like a Masters in love), where one gets to learn true charity through concrete action (in word and deed).

I have learned to be the daughter of the King, a woman of the Kingdom, one whose heart is devoted to Jesus and dedicated to Our Blessed Mother.

I have learned to be first human and then saint, to become a better version of myself as life unfolds, and to allow (in fact encourage) others to do the same.

I believe the biggest aspect though, is the great family I have gained through the Movement. Through this beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit, I have made invaluable friendships and experienced a sense of unity with many whom I would otherwise not have crossed paths with.

It is always great to gather with Legionaries, Consecrated and RC members both local and from afar; whether for Encounters, retreats, or simply a cup of coffee.

It is in the gift of this family that God calls us to serve, and I am hopeful that as this period of renewal envelops our souls, God will be working wonders for each and every one of us. He will enrich us and teach us the greatness of His Kingdom, especially though His love and mercy.

I pray that He gives each one of us the human means and necessary graces to serve Him faithfully.

We are called to constant growth, and this is mainly possible through the ability to accept with great humility that there is always room for improvement; that we are only great by our willingness to die to our own selves and strive for true holiness.

I hope and pray to be an instrument that represents each one of the souls within my Section, allowing this great family to be in full communion with Him who has called each of us by name.