Our Formation Process

Informal Discernment

This time prior to candidacy is a time of personal discernment to get to know the lifestyle, charism, and mission of the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi. This occurs through contact with Consecrated Women in your local area and/or our National Vocation Director, retreats, and accompaniment by a spiritual director. This can also happen by living in one of our communities for 1 to 2 semesters.

Formal Discernment



During these 2 years of our Candidacy program, young women experience the day-to-day living of consecrated life: evangelical counsels, community life, and mission. This stage gives Candidates time and space to develop a deeper relationship with God, understanding of themselves and this vocation, and to experience our spirituality and way of living. Candidacy allows both the one discerning and the community to confirm God’s call in her life.​ Currently our Candidacy is situated in Monterrey, Mexico.

Temporary Vows 

This stage begins with the admission to consecration. Nearing the end of her two years, the candidate freely requests to make her first temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. When found spiritually and humanly ready by her directors, she is admitted to temporary vows for three years, which are renewable for another three. This phase includes academic preparation through ecclesial or civil degrees related to the mission of a Regnum Christi Consecrated Women. Also in this stage, the Consecrated Woman has a period of internship, where she is introduced to the apostolate life.

Final Vows 

Through the experience of living a life of consecration, the consecrated woman matures in her response to God and the discovery of His call. With time and confirmation of this vocation through her own prayer and experiences, and from her directors, she freely requests admission for final vows, vowing poverty, chastity, and obedience for life following the example of Christ.

Book a time to speak with our vocations director, Adrienne Rolwes.