
Fiji Mission

fiji4This August Mission Youth brought a team of Missionaries to Fiji to bring the message of St. John Paul II’s theology of the body to the Archdiocese. Each of the missionaries was specially selected and had a background in TOB. The core of the program was forming trainers in two key areas: theology of the body; the other in natural family planning.

Legionary priests Fr. Walter Schu, author of The Splendor of Love, and Fr John Paul Durran, and Charlene Alexander, a consecrated woman of Regnum Christi were the trainers for the Theology of the Body course. Mercedes Wilson and Judeth Leonard presented the Natural Family planning component. Catholic World Mission sponsored the materials and trainers for the NFP component. The team of missionaries enriched the training and brought the message of theology of the body beyond the official sessions to the university campuses, schools and parishes, sharing their knowledge and personal testimonies.

fiji5One of the participants wrote at the end of the course, “if only I had know this earlier my life could have been different. Theology of the Body has truly touched and inspired my life from day one of the course, I wish I could just stay and it was longer because I have found myself, been able to acknowledge my failures and found peace and the Lord deeply”

Another wrote “I was struggling a little with my faith and I have been praying for a way to reconnect and I found it through theology of the body.fiji2 I am ever so thankful to the grace of God for the people that have brought theology of the body to Fiji and that yearning for my faith. My walk with God was present but I was not connecting to the theology of the Church.”

“I finished this course with a deep respect and admiration for the team of missionaries that left their home and comfort zone to bring the message to Fiji, a message that has touched our hearts and changed us internally in many ways.”