
Faith Leads Us to the Fullness of Love: Study Circle Guide on Lumen Fidei

Dear Friends in Christ,

Modern man tends to think of love as an emotion. But a deep love is something far more than an emotional reaction; it is based on a recognition of truth. “Only to the extent that love is grounded in truth can it endure over time, can it transcend the passing moment and be sufficiently solid to sustain a shared journey. If love is not tied to truth, it falls prey to fickle emotions and cannot stand the test of time.”

Pope Francis continues in his first encyclical Lumen Fidei (issued June 29, 2013) saying that anyone who shows love for others is taking the first steps toward faith: “Anyone who sets off on the path of doing good to others is already drawing near to God, is already sustained by his help, for it is characteristic of the divine light to brighten our eyes whenever we walk towards the fullness of love.”

We live in a world that exalts scientific and technological knowledge over knowing and loving Jesus Christ through the eyes of faith. But as Christians we believe that Jesus is the essential light that gives meaning to our entire existence. Reason, without faith, cannot sufficiently illuminate our lives.

Responding to this challenge of our times, the latest Study Circle Guide offers reflections and discussion questions for the study of Lumen Fidei. Pope Francis invites us to return to a faith like that of the first Christians. Lumen Fidei helps us to see the origin of this powerful light of faith that points our way toward a deeply satisfying and fruitful life.

Christian faith is not static; it is “a journey, but also . . . a process of building.” So let us strengthen our faith by continually exploring and sharing the gift we have been given. This Study Circle Guide is a tool that can help you and your small group (or large group) to address those experiences of life that challenge our faith. Check it out and download it for FREE HERE.

Chapter One explains what faith means for a Christian.
Chapter Two defends faith against the attacks of relativism.
Chapter Three explains how faith is transmitted through the Church and how we need to be firmly rooted in the Church in order for our faith to be healthy.
Chapter Four underlines the benefits of faith for a healthy society.

You can explore all of our Study Circle Guides by clicking on the Study Circle Guides tab on our homepage.

We sincerely hope you make time this month, and every month, to feed your soul and share the truth of our faith with others. Our Study Circle Guides, our Retreat Guides, and our Ask a Priest service are created to help you do just that. Keep enjoying them, so that God can keep strengthening you through them with new insights, blessings, and graces.

With the assurance of my prayers,

God bless in Christ,

Lucy Honner
Director, RC Spirituality Center

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