
Dallas’ Camp Inspire

Article originally posted on Challenge Catholic Youth Ministry website.

From June 14th – 20th, the Challenge Dallas group held their annual summer camp with the theme this year being “INSPIRE”. Veronique Chevrier and Kathleen Almon, who organized and directed the camp, shared their experiences and highlights from the camp. Kathleen explained how the camp took the girls on an adventure. “The Dallas-Fort Worth Challenge Clubs hosted an area wide, week long annual summer camp held at the Briarwood Retreat Center in Argyle TX. 50 girls and team leaders from Texas and Oklahoma attended. This years theme: “INSPIRE”, led the girls on a hot air balloon adventure, learningDallas-Camp2 to see “from heaven’s point of view” how God inspires us with beauty in creation, art, the sacraments, and how as girls and young women, each one is called to inspire with the holiness of her life. Summer camp included: daily camp activities: archery, team building, swimming, messy olympics and meal dynamics. They were also inspired daily with morning and night prayers, Mass and a formation session. Midweek the girls enjoyed an all day outing to Hawaiian Fallas Waterpark. During the night activities, the girls displayed their talents, learned to overcome vice through virtue and participated in a Eucharistic Procession.”

Veronique shared some of the experiences that she will remember most from this camp. “Out of the 60 people involved in the Dallas Challenge summer camp every year, there are some who drive up to 3 hours to come! Why did the girls love it? Most of them would answer you: because of the friendships. Whether they were team leaders or middle school girls, they wanted to be there with their friends, doing the crazy stuff that you can only do at a summer camp… like dress up during meals, learn a dance all together- and ruin some clothes during Crazy Olympics. This year’s camp had its beautiful moments of faith and fun. On the Wednesday when we had planned to go to the Hawaiian Falls Water Park, but it was pouring rain. So the girls used their prayer weapon to ‘storm’ heaven and beg God to send us some sunshine. Would we go on Thursday or on Friday, or not at all? It didn’t seem like it would happen but it became clear that God heard their prayers and the very next day, contrary to all predictions and logic, we had a gorgeous sunny day and were able to spend a very fun day on the water slides! During the camp, there are some things that happen in the silence of the heart and it’s not always easy to get a glimpse of God’s action. In one of the talks with the younger girls, one of the older girls asked the question: “Who here has heard God speak to them during this camp?” The great majority of girls responded yes. May He continue inspiring us always!”

At the end of camp, the organizers pulled together a video slideshow for the girls and their families. You can view it here on youtube: