
Conquest Kansas City Summer Camp

camp2Article originally posted on the Conquest Youth Ministry website and written by Jordan Ousley.

I’ve been attending the Kansas City Conquest Camp for about 7 years now, the last few participating as a camp coordinator. There is something about the camp that keeps me coming back and constantly trying to amp it up. The kids that attend have heart. They have a passion for getting to know Christ better and a competitive drive from the start of camp, to the end camp.The atmosphere is packed with fun and we are constantly on the move doing new things but at the end of the day we spend time with Christ and offer our day up to Him. camp3This year we did an extended Adoration session and opened it up to the boys to stay as long as they would like after we completed night prayers. I was amazed at how many campers spent time with our Lord in prayer. It really shows that they aren’t just here for the fun and games. Conquest has been a part of my life for many years, and the camp has always been the highlight of my summers. I can’t wait to see how it continues to grow and impact the lives of these boys in the years to come.