
Challenge Greater Sacramento Makes a Great Difference

Originally posted on the Challenge Youth Ministry website and submitted by Amelina Mendoza, Challenge Leader.

Challenge Greater Sacramento in Elk Grove has been around for the past 7 years, making an impact on the lives of the girls, their families, the parish and the community.

AMen3The group puts a great emphasis on helping the girls grow spiritually and be proud of their Catholic faith. Through the years, they have put on weekend retreats and through the year, they organize and host activities to help the girls really live their faith.

AMen2Last May, they did a May Crowning in honor of Mary, our heavenly mother and as a special activity for their moms. Amelina Mendoza, shared that the activity was truly touching for the mothers and daughters involved. These simple experiences are ones that the girls and moms will remember.

The group also focuses on service and participating in activities in the local parish and community to make a difference. One example was the “Mom & Me Project” which they did in conjunction with the 40 days of life Campaign in their diocese.

AMen 4Amelina explained that the project was a great experience, “The girls did a diaper drive at our parish and  then brought everything to Pro life center. The girls also  painted a huge banner which said ” Challenge yourself to choose life” and we went to pray in front of the abortion clinic with the banner displayed.  We prayed the rosary at the clinic and then we all went to get ice cream at a nearby Creamery to talk about our experiences.”