
Camp Kodiak Alaska

Kodiak4Article Originally Posted on Conquest Youth Ministry Website.

What does 20 consecutive days in July at Camp Kodiak in Alaska look like? The pictures simply do not do it justice. Camp Kodiak 2015 had 25 campers in total ,with attendees from Mexico, Spain, Canada, and of course, the USA. Ray Arsenault, the long time camp director said “This was especially a grace filled camp for me personally as, my son, Fr. Todd Arsenault, was one of the chaplains and my only grandson, Sam, age 13, was finally in attendance this year.”

kodiak5The camp takes outdoors to the extreme, but consistent quality leadership over the years continues to make it successful and draw men and boys from far and wide to experience formation and fun in an incredibly unique way. “Fr. Kermit Syren, LC was there for the 19th time, he only missed one camp when he was in Mexico for his renewal a few year’s back. Fr. Kermit is really a legend in the Legionaries of Christ with his perseverance in running camps. It is truly a blessing to work with him each and every year” said Arsenault. “While there were many fun filled excursions and activities during the camp, the fishing was excellent. The 4 boys on my raft in one day caught 97 fish! Between rowing and unhooking fish, I can tell you that I was very busy. Just one of the many moments we experience at Camp Kodiak.” Mass in the great majestic outdoors in the Alaskan wilderness is an experience one will surely remember their entire life.

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