Regnum Christi | Legionaries of Christ

Join the Consecrated Women in a Consecration to St. Joseph in this year dedicated to him.


“Go to Joseph” (Gen 41:55) bringing him all your needs, intentions and hopes for this year. How much he teaches us to live integrity, trust, abandonment and faith in God’s plan in our own lives.

Join the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi in a 33-day guided consecration to St Joseph during this year dedicated to him. And invite your friends and family to join you as you make a personal consecration, or family, community or apostolate consecration.


On December 8th, 2020, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. That same day, Pope Francis proclaimed a “Year of St Joseph” for the whole Church which will conclude on December 8, 2021 and shared a beautiful accompanying document about St Joseph Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”).


In preparation for March 19th, the solemn feast day of St Joseph, we are making a 33-day consecration to him, using the book of Fr Donald Calloway, “Consecration to St Joseph: The Wonders of our Spiritual Father”. We are encouraged to “Go to Joseph” (Gen 41:55) bringing our hearts, lives and intentions to him in a special way this year. We will be doing it February 15, 2021 – March 19, 2021.

There are 3 easy steps:

  1. ORDER THE BOOK: “Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father can be ordered directly from Fr Donald or on Amazon. We will begin on February 15, 2021 to finish on his feast day March 19, 2021 so make sure you order your book ASAP.
  1. FOLLOW OUR DAILY VIDEOS: Follow our Facebook page and check in daily for the accompanying 1 min video reflection from the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi and a summary of the day with quotes from Fr Donald Calloway and Patris corde. If you would like to receive this daily through WhatsApp, sign up here.
  1. PRAY DAILY: Spend 15 – 20 minutes a day reading the chapter from the book, watching the daily video on Facebook and praying and reflecting on the material in your own daily life.

Optional… FORM A GROUP: Consider inviting a group of family and friends and meet weekly to discuss and share your reflections from your prayer. Fr Donald Calloway offers a guide with weekly questions for discussion at the back of his book. Contact us if you would like support with this.

We are excited for you to join us on this journey. Last year, over 250 people from more than 15 countries around the world did the 33 Day Consecration with the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi. Here were a few of their reflections at the end:


“I feel very blessed to have been a apart of this since day one, walking with you and all the other people here on this amazing journey.”

 “St Joseph has already transformed our hearts and minds and is helping to shape us into the wife and husband that Abba has called us to be. It’s been so beautiful to experience his gentleness, humility, love, courage & protection through my husband also.”

“Thank you so much for allowing me to take this 33 day journey with all of you learning so much more about Saint Joseph.  I feel so blessed and woke up this morning and it is hard to describe, I am just different, hard to explain, just this wonderful peace”


For more questions or if you want to run this in a parish or with a group, you can contact Lisa Small at

If you would like to contribute towards this activity, click here to make a donation.