
2015 New Legionary of Christ Novices

Sixteen young men boldly stepped into a new world on Sept. 14th as they received the Legionary habit at the novitiate in Cheshire, CT. The new novices represent a wide variety of vocational paths, be it from college or minor seminary, and they come from a diverse number of states, including Texas, California, Ohio, Colorado, Georgia, and even one as far away as Vietnam–but they enter with one ideal and one mission. “The novitiate is the university where they study Christ, it is another Nazareth, another time in the desert with Christ preparing for the mission,” said Fr Andrew Labudde LC, assistant on the formation team.

After receiving their cassock the new novices went immediately to the seminary courtyard and in silent prayer entrusted their novitiate to Our Lady of Sorrows, to whom, along with the Sacred Heart, Legionaries dedicate their lives. At the ceremony Br Cameron Guice, reflecting on their summer discernment program, noted “What truly brought us here? God’s mercy and love. We desire to spend our entire lives sharing Christ with others, to give of our entire self to Him as missionaries.” The new novices join close to twenty second year novices in Cheshire who continue their discernment and preparation for life on the mission.